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MOJi Answer_What dictionary is suitable for taking the CATTI?

Summary: If you are preparing for the CATTI, I personally think having a Japanese-Chinese and Chinese-Japanese dictionary is sufficient.

Original Answer#

The old squirrel, who has never stopped collecting and has never started memorizing words, has come uninvited to list the details of some well-known Japanese dictionaries in China (mainly publication dates and the number of entries).

Chinese-Japanese: (I personally think this is quite helpful for "translation")
New Chinese-Japanese Dictionary (2011, number of entries unknown)
Oriental Chinese-Japanese Dictionary (2011, Chinese-Japanese 53,000, Japanese-Chinese about 10,000)
Modern Chinese-Japanese Dictionary (Volumes 1 & 2) (1993, total 300,000) — this one is quite impressive in terms of price and weight 233

Japanese-Chinese and Chinese-Japanese: (Indexing is key; in case you can't remember a word, there's a way to confirm)
Kodansha Japanese-Chinese and Chinese-Japanese Dictionary (2016, Japanese-Chinese 41,000 entries, Chinese-Japanese 52,000 entries)
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press · Sanseido Japanese-Chinese and Chinese-Japanese Dictionary (2002, Japanese-Chinese over 30,000 entries, Chinese-Japanese over 40,000 entries)

Japanese-Chinese type: (Just for peace of mind 233, using a phone is probably faster)
New Japanese-Chinese Dictionary (Revised Edition) (2017, about 90,000 entries)
New Meikai Japanese-Chinese Dictionary (2012, over 73,000 entries)
Modern Japanese-Chinese Bilingual Dictionary (Revised Edition) (2012, over 42,000 entries), Hujiang's vocabulary
New Century Japanese-Chinese Bilingual Dictionary (2009, nearly 170,000), Youdao's vocabulary
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press · Wakan Sanso Japanese-Chinese Bilingual Learning Dictionary (2002, 54,000 entries)

You can often find some of the dictionaries mentioned above on Duozhuayu; if you're just looking to pass the exam and don't mind second-hand books, you can check them out. The prices are much cheaper, and the condition is quite good — after all, they will just be used as a laptop stand after the exam, so second-hand is fine (just kidding).

Note: This article is a response published on MOJi Q&A.


Regarding the number of entries: The data are estimates from Douban and product details.

For most students self-studying Japanese, this part may not have much reference value. Even for students majoring in Japanese, they mainly use various apps. Therefore, for those who just want to prepare a dictionary for the CATTI, I have specifically listed the prices of second-hand books for reference.

Regarding prices:

  1. The [] on Duozhuayu refers to different conditions, not promotional prices; they don't do those flashy things. However, books on Duozhuayu can easily go out of stock, so some prices may be the official prices when out of stock.
  2. The numbers in [] for Dangdang and JD self-operated refer to the price fluctuation range over the past year. In my impression, Japanese dictionary books rarely participate in promotions like 4.23 or back-to-school discounts (100 off 30 or 50), so the price data is for reference only. If you have patience, you can use tools like Shuanmanbuy to monitor price changes.

Japanese-Chinese Type#

New Meikai Japanese-Chinese Dictionary#

ISBN: 9787513515474
Publication Date: 2012
Entries: Over 73,000
Tones: Yes
Price: Duozhuayu [38-44], Dangdang self-operated [59-113]

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press · Wakan Sanso Japanese-Chinese Bilingual Learning Dictionary#

ISBN: 9787560022680
Entries: 54,000
Publication Date: 2002
Tones: Yes
Price: Duozhuayu [24-35], Dangdang self-operated [54-108]

Purchased together with the one above; Duozhuayu requires a minimum of 79 for free shipping 233

New Japanese-Chinese Dictionary (Revised Edition)#

ISBN: 9787205089702【Yes】
Entries: About 90,000
Publication Date: 2017
Tones: Unknown
Price: Dangdang self-operated [105-168], Duozhuayu [40.3] (out of stock)
Not listed on Douban

Modern Japanese-Chinese Bilingual Dictionary (Revised Edition)#

ISBN: 9787544617512
Entries: Over 42,000
Publication Date: 2012
Tones: Unknown
Price: Dangdang self-operated [79-128], Duozhuayu [43.5] (out of stock)

Hujiang's copyright vocabulary.

New Century Japanese-Chinese Bilingual Dictionary#

ISBN: 9787560082196【No】 【mdx】
Entries: Nearly 170,000
Publication Date: 2009
Tones: Unknown
Price: No self-operated [388], Duozhuayu [232.8] (out of stock)

NetEase Youdao's vocabulary.

Japanese-Chinese and Chinese-Japanese#

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press · Sanseido Japanese-Chinese and Chinese-Japanese Dictionary#

ISBN: 9787560030777【No】
Entries: Japanese-Chinese over 30,000 (example sentences 21,000), Chinese-Japanese over 40,000
Publication Date: 2002
Tones: No
Price: Dangdang self-operated: [34-68], Duozhuayu [29.4] (out of stock)

Kodansha Japanese-Chinese and Chinese-Japanese Dictionary#

ISBN: 9787100121422【No】
Entries: Japanese-Chinese 41,000, Chinese-Japanese 52,000
Publication Date: 2016
Tones: Unknown
Price: Dangdang self-operated [95-139], Duozhuayu [48.8] (out of stock)


New Chinese-Japanese Dictionary#

ISBN: 9787205072490【No】
Entries: Unknown
Publication Date: 2011
Tones: Unknown
Price: Dangdang self-operated [72-150], Duozhuayu [54] (out of stock)

Oriental Chinese-Japanese Dictionary#

ISBN: 9787100057950【Yes】
Entries: Chinese-Japanese 53,000, Japanese-Chinese about 10,000
Publication Date: 2011
Tones: Unknown
Price: JD self-operated [91-132], Duozhuayu [44.9]

Modern Chinese-Japanese Dictionary (Volumes 1 & 2)#

ISBN: 9787301039267【No】 【PDF】
Entries: Approximately 300,000
Publication Date: 1993
Tones: Unknown
Price: No self-operated [680], Duozhuayu [238] (out of stock)

Daily Japanese#

Daijirin Sixth Edition#

ISBN: 9787544621090
Entries: 240,000
Publication Date: 2012
Tones: No
Price: JD self-operated [128-188], Duozhuayu [122]

Daijirin Seventh Edition#

ISBN: 9784000801317
Entries: 250,000
Publication Date: 2018 (domestic)
Tones: No
Price: Dangdang, JD Chinese Business Import Book Flagship Store [705-805], Duozhuayu [535]


Results Announced! 2022 CATTI Japanese Preparation Guide (Levels 2 and 3)

Recommended Dictionaries for the Japanese CATTI Exam

[[Dictionary Guide 2019 Modern Chinese]]: https://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/info/about/booklet-gazette/bulletin/608/open/608-10-04.html

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