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What are the Japanese words derived from English?

Abstract: Based on the foreign words included in Daijisen, there are 67,966 Japanese words that come from English.

Note: This article is a response to What are the Japanese words that come from English? - Zhihu.
Since only examples are required, I won't follow the frequency of usage in daily life, but will present the data directly:
Based on the foreign words included in Daijisen, there are 67,966 Japanese words that come from English (the examples requested by the questioner can be downloaded from the link at the end of the article).

However, I am very curious about the mindset of the questioner in asking this question—aren't Japanese words that come from English just foreign words written in katakana...?

However, if the intention is to categorize vocabulary, it shouldn't be asked this way; instead, it should be "What are the commonly used foreign words?" The turnover rate of foreign words is very fast, and memorizing the 70,000 words displayed above may not guarantee one can navigate Japan easily;

Alternatively, one could ask "What are the foreign words that are not derived from English?"—this part only accounts for 7%, and these words are often closely related to society, culture, and history, making them much more memorable, and their turnover rate is relatively slower, with many being fixed expressions for certain (types of) things.

However, rather than memorizing categories all at once, the best approach is to frequently consult dictionaries.

Although Hujiang/Wangyi supports multiple languages, once a specific language is designated, other language explanations are basically not visible, so I still recommend dictionaries like Eudic/GoldenDict/Shenlan, etc. (for usage methods, refer to the pinned answer on the author's homepage).

For Android, I recommend Eudic (if you don't pursue synchronized learning records on mobile, you can use it for free, but on the computer, not paying basically means you can't use it).

For the computer, I recommend Salad Dictionary; check both English and Japanese dictionaries, so even when reading English literature, you can also learn some Japanese.

Link: https://wwp.lanzoue.com/iat8Z08zc0ja
Note that the above file only contains foreign words derived from English; for the complete version, please visit here to purchase https://mianbaoduo.com/o/bread/Yp2Xl5dy

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